Russianimperialguards are frequently mentioned at the Mongol Court of Peking in the thirteenth century.
On the opposite banks are the massed formations and colors of the French and RussianImperialGuards.
The RussianImperialGuards and the Russian Army in Poland are far superior to any that we encountered in the Crimea.
Captain Tchehachoff, of the RussianImperialGuards, is traveling through our country with a view to see its extent and null-itsgeographical and scenic varieties.
Ús de russian guards en anglès
He arranged smaller bribes to Russianguards at a different crossing.
They trekked closer to the mansion, Aldric keeping the Russianguards up front.
At the next the stationmaster is a Russian , and Russianguards replace the Japanese.
There were no permits for the correspondents and they had some difficulty getting past Russianguards.
Here, the Russianguards; there, the united corps of Kutusof and Buxhowden; farther on, the vanguard under Prince Bagration.
Suddenly the door was flung open and half a dozen Chinese stormed into the room trailing a couple of protesting Russianguards.
In the evening Protopovo surrendered to the Russianguards, but General Khabalov still occupied the Admiralty building with such forces as were faithful.
Staggered by this fire, the division was wavering, when the RussianGuards and their choicest squadrons of horse charged home with deadly effect.
Only the almost despairing bravery of the Russianguards under Ostermann, who held him in check till the allied troops united, prevented Napoleon's design.
He said he and his brother had not seen Russianguards kill anyone but they were asked to carry bodies out to waiting trucks.
She went immediately to the barracks in St. Petersburg, mounted upon a charger, and, calling out the Russianguards, appealed to them for their support.